Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Update: Rove's Enemies list.

From an article in SFGate.http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2006/02/12/MNG41H78RM1.DTL, it seems Karl's list is growing.

Many at this year's Conservative Political Action Conferance (where Dick Cheney is actually popular) expressed frustration with Bush's policy. Highlights:

"The American people don't understand what Republicans stand for anymore,'' roared Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., who proudly declared that he had voted against Bush's prescription drug plan, his Central American trade proposal and his "$100 billion Katrina slush fund.''

"American conservatives have watched dumbfounded as their Congress -- their Republican Congress -- and the Republican White House engineered the largest expansion of the federal government in modern history,'' Tancredo said.

Yet Bush -- until recently -- had enjoyed the unwavering public support of conservatives from all factions, who seemed willing to overlook any misgivings in their united desire to elect a Republican president.

At this year's conference, which sponsors said would attract 5,000 participants, Tancredo received a standing ovation after his remarks in which he said: "It is the president who is out of step with his party.''

Tancredo was not alone in voicing his displeasure -- a sign that Bush may have much more trouble with Republicans in Congress as they move toward the midterm elections.

Bob Barr, a former Republican House member from Georgia, warned fellow conservatives that those who defend the president's ability to spy on American citizens are "in danger of putting allegiance to party ahead of allegiance to principle.''

The president, Barr warned, has overstepped his bounds and "it should not matter the person, the man, occupying the position of the presidency.''

I'm encouraged that when it comes to Bush, liberals, libertarians, and many conservatives are coming to some agreements. 1) We don't want Bush to be our BIG BROTHER. 2) War is wasteful. Liberals focus on wasted life, libertarians on wasted liberty and conservatives on wasted money, which could otherwise be used to pursue happiness.

However, we can't expect that this will lead to a democratic house majority November 2006. There are certain Democratic Senators who are determined to snatch defeat from victory's jaw. My next post will include my note to Senators Schumer & Reid with a copy to DNC Chairman Howard Dean.

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